Monday, March 24, 2014

Life's Most Unusual Wonders

Walking in the shadows of some one
else dreams, will eventually leave
scars that one dare not remember.

It compels one to create a false
reflection of oneself, based on
another person criteria for life.

What develops is a group of life's
wonders that allows you to believe that you
have made inroads in avoiding life's cross roads.

They become more unusual as life
goes on, they become unrecognizable,
thereby becoming more acceptable behavior.

The shadows of that person's dreams
becomes the norm, destroying any possibility
of you reaching  your true potential.

So let us not get caught up in the reflections
of another.  Admiration and appreciation
is certainly worthy of one's achievements.

But spend your energy in discovering
the wonders within you.  Only then will
you be able to influence your future.

The other road is just a duplication, giving
the other person a free ride.

Poetic Verses  By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2014

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