Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Poetic Verses: I AM

Poetic Verses: I AM: I think, therefore I am. I am, therefore I exist. I exist, therefore I have purpose. I have purpose, therefore I must function. I must ...

To My Wife On Christmas Day

How often I wondered what it would have been 
like sitting in front of the fire place,
sipping champagne
and eating caviar.

Holding hands, looking into each others eyes,
admiring the beautifully decorated tree.
Listening to Christmas carols
by our favorite star.

The sharing of pass and present experiences
that completely engulfed our minds and spirit.
Sharing the good, bad and sad times,
the thought of gracefully growing old.

The passion that we fought so hard to hide,
camouflaged by a true friendship
that grew deeper over the years,
with and obvious need to bare our souls.

I am truly thankful for you, and
for God's Mercy and his Grace that
he has given us all through the years.
Forty one years to be exact.

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2013

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Poetic Verses: I AM

Poetic Verses: I AM: I think, therefore I am. I am, therefore I exist. I exist, therefore I have purpose. I have purpose, therefore I must function. I must ...


I think, therefore I am.
I am, therefore I exist.
I exist, therefore I have purpose.
I have purpose, therefore I must function.

I must function, therefore I must
seek clarity of my purpose for existing.
I grow in increments, therefore I must retain.
That which I retain, I must endeavor to understand.

With wisdom and clarity of purpose,
I will begin my journey.
I pray that at the end of my journey,
my destiny will have manifested itself.

Only then can I say with some degree of
absolution, my existence has not been in vain.
In my world of mediocrity I will have  created
some small space of harmony from discord.

From diversity, an array of mixed blessings
will have been planted for a future generation.

Because I Am

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2013


Poetic Verses: TRUE FRIENDS AT CHRISTMAS: How often we forget from whence we came, with all our earthly trappings. When our house was filled  with worldly goods and bundles of ...


How often we forget
from whence we came,
with all our earthly trappings.

When our house was filled 
with worldly goods and
bundles of Christmas wrappings.

The dark days came and
the thunder roared, and
the goods we had no more.

Of those who came and
shared our home, no longer
knocks at our door.

When all was well and
the future bright and of
plenty there was no end.

The one I seldom saw at my table,
or making constant demands,
I discovered were my friends.

I am bless to have true friends
on Christmas.  

And God is my best friend.

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2013

Monday, December 9, 2013


Poetic Verses: TRIBUTE TO PRESIDENT NELSON MANDELA:  A voice in the wilderness has been  silence by (GOD), his creator, his earthly work is done. This great man was destined from childhood t...


 A voice in the wilderness has been  silence by (GOD), his creator,
his earthly work is done. This great man was destined from
childhood to impact the world.  In his darkest hours, he held on
to his belief in God, belief in himself, his people and his country.

His suffering in the early years of his life and ultimately his
triumphant re-entry into society, is an unmistakable example
of how this man's determination, fortitude, his energy and his
dream of a unified Africa directed his path.

The greatness of his interlect and the strength of his conviction,
was found in  his humbleness and his  willingness to forgive
his oppressors.  This would set the stage and provide the
launching pad for a United Africa, and the destruction of

This world we live in, became a better place with him in it.
His legacy that he leaves behind, will serve as a road map
for those that will continue the fight for Human Rights for
every human being.

There is still much work to do, but because of this man,
we know that it is possible.

May you rest in peace my brother.
Our prayers are with his family and the nation.

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2013

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Invision a Rose in all of it's glory.
No matter how many times it is duplicated,
it is still the original thought of God.
The original creator of this Rose spoke
it into existence.

All other Roses followed after it's kind
in it many colors and perfect symmetry.
All things in Heaven, in Earth and beneath
were spoken into existence by this power.

Humanity is the most precious creation of
this power.  We too are like the Rose, we
dare to be different in our spirituality and
humanity because of the gift of free will.

We should never forget that we too will 
always remain the original thought of God.
That is why he redeemed us by the death
and resurrection of his son Jesus Christ.

In doing so, he redeemed us from sin, and
gave humanity an opportunity to rejoin the family
of  God, the creator of all things.

We should forever glorify his name...GOD

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2012

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

MY BROTHERS (Always remember, there is nothing like family)

Unchained ankles,
unchallenged minds,
opportunity beckons.
The fields of degradation, was
replaced by future anticipation.
For the void is no longer
shapeless or deep,
that which once restricted,
no longer binds.

For the shape of our future
is woven by the golden threads of
wisdom that have always been
a part of our being.

Created by that which created all
things.  Atom for atom, for we
are truly a part of the universe.

All that supports us and sustains
us, has been provided by HE (GOD) who is
omnipotent and omnipresent.
Hold our heads high, for we are
from a great source, a great people,
a great past and we have an
even greater future.

And always remember, we are BROTHERS.

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2003


It was not so long ago,
that you nurtured me, walked
with me and held my hand.

I was little then

You walked and talked with me,
and told me biblical stories of
creation and how it all begin.

As I grew older you would
still walk and talk with me, but
about dreams of a larger plan.

I was getting older then

And then! your teaching increased, you
became more aggressive, you were molding me
into what you thought I should be as a man.

I am grateful for having an Angelic Mother
who was patient with me, and kept me safe.

I am older now

I now understand why you walked
with me and had those talks under
that old Oak tree.

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2003

Friday, May 24, 2013


 I have often thought of the path
my mother took in her life.
I watch with great intensity even
as a child, of the strain and sacrifice.

I watched how humble she was, even
though she was aware of her power.
She could request anything from God,
and God would respond within the hour.

It was amazing how little she asked for.
It was always for family and friends.
She was content with the spirit of God,
she lived for battling the devil and sin.

I often wondered why she never asked for
worldly things, big houses and diamond rings.
Why she prayed for her enemies as well as her friends.
She was preparing her soul to meet the King.

I am truly bless to have had a mother with
so many gifts, and to be able to remember her

Now all I have to do is walk in them...

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2013

Saturday, May 11, 2013


Loving you these thirty-seven years
has instilled in me a great sense of
pride and urgency.

Being retired has it's  place, but I miss rushing
home from work to tell you about my day. You
would listen with such intensity.

I felt as though nothing else matters
in my life at that moment as I
bared my soul to you.

I watch with intensity as your eyes lit
up with joy and unbridled happiness
when you would hear good news.

When my spirit was low, you immediately
sense the need to console me and take
me to a quiet place.

I admire your sense of dedication to family,
it is manifested in everything that you do.
I truly adore you.

Your love is manifested in the love you
show when you are preparing food,
or chastising our son.

It is manifested in the love you have
for all of your family, friends and those
who are less fortunate.

Above all, it is manifested in your
Christian faith that provides the strength
that guides, sustains and protects us.


Laboring day in and day out,
just enough time for praying.
Trying to put food in her babies mouth.

Not a mumbling word is she saying,
taking everything to God and Prayer.
The heavey load not seeming to matter.

Just trying to put food in her babies mouth.
Off she goes, rainy days, stormy weather,
aching bones with the bible in her strong hands.

Praying for her friends as well foe.
She is about her father's business, the
last thing on her mind was hunger for self.

She trusted that her babies would be fed,
so she kept on praying knowing that her
Heavenly Father would put food in her babies mouth.

and the winged creature of the air,

How much more will I provide for thee, whom I
have trusted with that which I have created. Did
I not adorn the Lillies of the field in all their glory.

My mother continued about her Heavenly Father's business.

The Late Rev. Carrie A. Gooding
Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2009

For she remembered what he said,  ifI provide
for the beast of the field, creature of the sea

Friday, April 12, 2013

LIFE IS TO BE LIVED (but you must move)

Life is to be lived to its fullest as long as
your mind works and your body moves.
Running fast, walking slow doesn't matter,
as long as you remain in the groove.

Age is a stepping stone to wisdom,
not a hindrance to the learning process.
If you have treated yourself well in the past,
you will fair well when engaged in life's test.

Endure the sweat and smelly socks,
the sore muscles of the arms and legs.
Rely on the grey matter between your ears,
the peaks and valleys you want have to dread.

How simple this must sound to the readers,
how encouraging this must be to the dedicated.
How elusive this can be to those who wait,
and rightfully so, to those who has procrastinated.

I repeat all of the above to myself each day,
it is not easy shutting down  Face Book and Twitter.
When I observe my wife on the treadmill for an hour,
I am reminded that I too, am not a quitter.

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2013

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

FROM A MOLE HILL TO A MOUNTAIN (The price one pays for the abuse of the disenfranchised)

Families are starving,
children are dying
from senseless wars.

By those who would abuse them,
they are denied their homes
to return no more.

Dried up fields
and waterless wells,
with no seeds to sow.

After miles of traveling
over rugged terrain,
with no place to go.

Humanity surges forward, over
shadowed by the cruelty of man,
their cries for help falls on deaf ears.

But the end is near,
that which is a mountain
will be reduced to a mole hill.

That which was a mole hill
shall consume the mountain
and reign forever with love.

From the earth will come forth salt
and flavor shall return to the land,
but the valleys of the abusers shall
run red with the enemies blood.
Peace will forever be restored.

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2003

Monday, April 8, 2013


Moments of passion are fleeting,
that which we hold so dear.
Reaching aimlessly for carnal knowledge,
nothing we physically touch seem real.

Desirous we are of odious things,
the beast of the dark controls us.
Like children, we dream of life like toys,
that which gives us pleasure we trust.

Thoughts, we give not to our existence,
our true purpose of being.
So vigorously we pursue the wishes of the beast,
so elusive is the heart that mends.

The stark reality of your inner most dreams,
brings to life the terror and fear.
You have traveled so far, your energy is low,
your mind is foggy, nothing is clear.

Take a stand before the mirror of true reflection,
and face the beast that dwells within.
Seek clarity of purpose for yourself,
For elusive no more is the heart that mends.

By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Poetic Verses
Copyrighted 2012