Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Poetic Verses: I AM

Poetic Verses: I AM: I think, therefore I am. I am, therefore I exist. I exist, therefore I have purpose. I have purpose, therefore I must function. I must ...

To My Wife On Christmas Day

How often I wondered what it would have been 
like sitting in front of the fire place,
sipping champagne
and eating caviar.

Holding hands, looking into each others eyes,
admiring the beautifully decorated tree.
Listening to Christmas carols
by our favorite star.

The sharing of pass and present experiences
that completely engulfed our minds and spirit.
Sharing the good, bad and sad times,
the thought of gracefully growing old.

The passion that we fought so hard to hide,
camouflaged by a true friendship
that grew deeper over the years,
with and obvious need to bare our souls.

I am truly thankful for you, and
for God's Mercy and his Grace that
he has given us all through the years.
Forty one years to be exact.

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2013

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Poetic Verses: I AM

Poetic Verses: I AM: I think, therefore I am. I am, therefore I exist. I exist, therefore I have purpose. I have purpose, therefore I must function. I must ...


I think, therefore I am.
I am, therefore I exist.
I exist, therefore I have purpose.
I have purpose, therefore I must function.

I must function, therefore I must
seek clarity of my purpose for existing.
I grow in increments, therefore I must retain.
That which I retain, I must endeavor to understand.

With wisdom and clarity of purpose,
I will begin my journey.
I pray that at the end of my journey,
my destiny will have manifested itself.

Only then can I say with some degree of
absolution, my existence has not been in vain.
In my world of mediocrity I will have  created
some small space of harmony from discord.

From diversity, an array of mixed blessings
will have been planted for a future generation.

Because I Am

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2013


Poetic Verses: TRUE FRIENDS AT CHRISTMAS: How often we forget from whence we came, with all our earthly trappings. When our house was filled  with worldly goods and bundles of ...


How often we forget
from whence we came,
with all our earthly trappings.

When our house was filled 
with worldly goods and
bundles of Christmas wrappings.

The dark days came and
the thunder roared, and
the goods we had no more.

Of those who came and
shared our home, no longer
knocks at our door.

When all was well and
the future bright and of
plenty there was no end.

The one I seldom saw at my table,
or making constant demands,
I discovered were my friends.

I am bless to have true friends
on Christmas.  

And God is my best friend.

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2013

Monday, December 9, 2013


Poetic Verses: TRIBUTE TO PRESIDENT NELSON MANDELA:  A voice in the wilderness has been  silence by (GOD), his creator, his earthly work is done. This great man was destined from childhood t...


 A voice in the wilderness has been  silence by (GOD), his creator,
his earthly work is done. This great man was destined from
childhood to impact the world.  In his darkest hours, he held on
to his belief in God, belief in himself, his people and his country.

His suffering in the early years of his life and ultimately his
triumphant re-entry into society, is an unmistakable example
of how this man's determination, fortitude, his energy and his
dream of a unified Africa directed his path.

The greatness of his interlect and the strength of his conviction,
was found in  his humbleness and his  willingness to forgive
his oppressors.  This would set the stage and provide the
launching pad for a United Africa, and the destruction of

This world we live in, became a better place with him in it.
His legacy that he leaves behind, will serve as a road map
for those that will continue the fight for Human Rights for
every human being.

There is still much work to do, but because of this man,
we know that it is possible.

May you rest in peace my brother.
Our prayers are with his family and the nation.

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2013