Tuesday, May 28, 2013

MY BROTHERS (Always remember, there is nothing like family)

Unchained ankles,
unchallenged minds,
opportunity beckons.
The fields of degradation, was
replaced by future anticipation.
For the void is no longer
shapeless or deep,
that which once restricted,
no longer binds.

For the shape of our future
is woven by the golden threads of
wisdom that have always been
a part of our being.

Created by that which created all
things.  Atom for atom, for we
are truly a part of the universe.

All that supports us and sustains
us, has been provided by HE (GOD) who is
omnipotent and omnipresent.
Hold our heads high, for we are
from a great source, a great people,
a great past and we have an
even greater future.

And always remember, we are BROTHERS.

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2003


It was not so long ago,
that you nurtured me, walked
with me and held my hand.

I was little then

You walked and talked with me,
and told me biblical stories of
creation and how it all begin.

As I grew older you would
still walk and talk with me, but
about dreams of a larger plan.

I was getting older then

And then! your teaching increased, you
became more aggressive, you were molding me
into what you thought I should be as a man.

I am grateful for having an Angelic Mother
who was patient with me, and kept me safe.

I am older now

I now understand why you walked
with me and had those talks under
that old Oak tree.

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2003

Friday, May 24, 2013


 I have often thought of the path
my mother took in her life.
I watch with great intensity even
as a child, of the strain and sacrifice.

I watched how humble she was, even
though she was aware of her power.
She could request anything from God,
and God would respond within the hour.

It was amazing how little she asked for.
It was always for family and friends.
She was content with the spirit of God,
she lived for battling the devil and sin.

I often wondered why she never asked for
worldly things, big houses and diamond rings.
Why she prayed for her enemies as well as her friends.
She was preparing her soul to meet the King.

I am truly bless to have had a mother with
so many gifts, and to be able to remember her

Now all I have to do is walk in them...

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2013

Saturday, May 11, 2013


Loving you these thirty-seven years
has instilled in me a great sense of
pride and urgency.

Being retired has it's  place, but I miss rushing
home from work to tell you about my day. You
would listen with such intensity.

I felt as though nothing else matters
in my life at that moment as I
bared my soul to you.

I watch with intensity as your eyes lit
up with joy and unbridled happiness
when you would hear good news.

When my spirit was low, you immediately
sense the need to console me and take
me to a quiet place.

I admire your sense of dedication to family,
it is manifested in everything that you do.
I truly adore you.

Your love is manifested in the love you
show when you are preparing food,
or chastising our son.

It is manifested in the love you have
for all of your family, friends and those
who are less fortunate.

Above all, it is manifested in your
Christian faith that provides the strength
that guides, sustains and protects us.


Laboring day in and day out,
just enough time for praying.
Trying to put food in her babies mouth.

Not a mumbling word is she saying,
taking everything to God and Prayer.
The heavey load not seeming to matter.

Just trying to put food in her babies mouth.
Off she goes, rainy days, stormy weather,
aching bones with the bible in her strong hands.

Praying for her friends as well foe.
She is about her father's business, the
last thing on her mind was hunger for self.

She trusted that her babies would be fed,
so she kept on praying knowing that her
Heavenly Father would put food in her babies mouth.

and the winged creature of the air,

How much more will I provide for thee, whom I
have trusted with that which I have created. Did
I not adorn the Lillies of the field in all their glory.

My mother continued about her Heavenly Father's business.

The Late Rev. Carrie A. Gooding
Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2009

For she remembered what he said,  ifI provide
for the beast of the field, creature of the sea