Friday, April 12, 2013

LIFE IS TO BE LIVED (but you must move)

Life is to be lived to its fullest as long as
your mind works and your body moves.
Running fast, walking slow doesn't matter,
as long as you remain in the groove.

Age is a stepping stone to wisdom,
not a hindrance to the learning process.
If you have treated yourself well in the past,
you will fair well when engaged in life's test.

Endure the sweat and smelly socks,
the sore muscles of the arms and legs.
Rely on the grey matter between your ears,
the peaks and valleys you want have to dread.

How simple this must sound to the readers,
how encouraging this must be to the dedicated.
How elusive this can be to those who wait,
and rightfully so, to those who has procrastinated.

I repeat all of the above to myself each day,
it is not easy shutting down  Face Book and Twitter.
When I observe my wife on the treadmill for an hour,
I am reminded that I too, am not a quitter.

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2013

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

FROM A MOLE HILL TO A MOUNTAIN (The price one pays for the abuse of the disenfranchised)

Families are starving,
children are dying
from senseless wars.

By those who would abuse them,
they are denied their homes
to return no more.

Dried up fields
and waterless wells,
with no seeds to sow.

After miles of traveling
over rugged terrain,
with no place to go.

Humanity surges forward, over
shadowed by the cruelty of man,
their cries for help falls on deaf ears.

But the end is near,
that which is a mountain
will be reduced to a mole hill.

That which was a mole hill
shall consume the mountain
and reign forever with love.

From the earth will come forth salt
and flavor shall return to the land,
but the valleys of the abusers shall
run red with the enemies blood.
Peace will forever be restored.

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2003

Monday, April 8, 2013


Moments of passion are fleeting,
that which we hold so dear.
Reaching aimlessly for carnal knowledge,
nothing we physically touch seem real.

Desirous we are of odious things,
the beast of the dark controls us.
Like children, we dream of life like toys,
that which gives us pleasure we trust.

Thoughts, we give not to our existence,
our true purpose of being.
So vigorously we pursue the wishes of the beast,
so elusive is the heart that mends.

The stark reality of your inner most dreams,
brings to life the terror and fear.
You have traveled so far, your energy is low,
your mind is foggy, nothing is clear.

Take a stand before the mirror of true reflection,
and face the beast that dwells within.
Seek clarity of purpose for yourself,
For elusive no more is the heart that mends.

By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Poetic Verses
Copyrighted 2012